What should I do if my stomach hurts?
5 mins read

What should I do if my stomach hurts?

Why is it necessary to deal with stomach pain?

Managing stomach pain promptly is critical as it often signals issues within the digestive system that could escalate if ignored. Early intervention prevents severe health problems. Moreover, it prompts necessary lifestyle adjustments and contributes to overall well-being. Failing to address such pain not only prolongs discomfort but can also lead to significant complications, making its timely management a health imperative.

The primary causes of stomach pain include:

  • Indigestion
  • Gastritis
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Food poisoning
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Ulcers
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Constipation
  • Gallstones
  • Appendicitis

What should be done first to relieve stomach pain?


Hydration is the process of absorbing water to maintain bodily functions. It’s vital in regulating digestion and preventing constipation – common triggers for stomach pain.

Adequate hydration aids in diluting stomach acids, potentially reducing irritation from conditions like gastritis or acid reflux. It also ensures overall efficient cellular functionality, essential in healing processes. Thus, proper hydration serves as a key defense towards better digestive health, helping alleviate and prevent stomach pain.


The BRAT diet’s core components—bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast—offer a mild and easily digestible option for individuals experiencing gastrointestinal distress.

The simplicity and blandness of these foods play a crucial role in allowing the stomach and intestines to recover. Their low fiber content prevents further irritation of the digestive tract, while the astringent qualities help control symptoms like diarrhea, thereby mitigating stomach pain. Employing the BRAT diet can be an effective method to gradually reintroduce solid food, helping to stabilize the digestive system and promote a return to normal dietary function.

Over-the-counter remedies to relieve stomach pain:

  1. Ginger Tea: Eases digestion and reduces inflammation.
  2. Peppermint Oil Capsules: Relieves IBS symptoms and calms spasms.
  3. Chamomile Tea: Anti-inflammatory and relaxant properties soothe the stomach.
  4. Probiotics: Balance gut flora, promoting digestive health.
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar: Can aid in digestion and lower stomach acid.
  6. Heating Pad: Relaxes muscles and eases cramps.
  7. BRAT Diet: Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast for gentle nourishment.
  8. Fennel Seeds: Antispasmodic effect eases gas and bloating.
  9. Aloe Vera Juice: Reduces inflammation in the digestive tract.
  10. Activated Charcoal: May help in cases of poisoning or gas.
  11. Lemon Water: Stimulates digestion and detoxification.
  12. DGL Licorice: Supports mucus production, protecting the stomach lining.
  13. Baking Soda & Water: Neutralizes stomach acid.
  14. Caraway Seeds: Known to relieve digestive issues including bloating and gas.
  15. Papaya Enzymes: Assist in breaking down proteins and easing digestion.
  16. Rice Water: Acts as a demulcent, soothing the stomach lining.
  17. Mint Leaves: Fresh mint can relieve symptoms of IBS.
  18. Cinnamon: Known for its anti-inflammatory and digestive health benefits.
  19. Slippery Elm Bark: Forms a soothing gel that coats the stomach.
  20. Warm Saltwater: Gargled or drunk to ease throat and stomach discomfort.

Each remedy listed offers relief for various types of stomach pain, from indigestion and gas to inflammation and bloating, serving as effective solutions for those seeking non-prescription options.

Change your lifestyle

Get your stress under control

Stress impacts stomach health significantly by exacerbating symptoms of acid reflux, increasing the production of stomach acid, and potentially leading to the development of ulcers. It can also worsen conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastritis. Remedies such as practicing relaxation techniques, including deep breathing and meditation, and engaging in regular physical activity, help mitigate stress-induced stomach pain by promoting relaxation and enhancing overall digestive health.

Food habits

Food habits significantly affect stomach health. Consuming large meals, or eating foods high in fat, spices, or acidity, can exacerbate heartburn and indigestion. Overeating can also lead to bloating and discomfort. To alleviate stomach pain, optimize your diet by eating smaller, more frequent meals, consuming plenty of fiber, hydrating adequately, and limiting intake of irritants like caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars.

When should I seek medical attention?

  1. Persistent Severe Pain: Continual, intense stomach discomfort.
  2. Bloody Stools: Presence of red or black blood in stools.
  3. Unexplained Weight Loss: Losing weight without trying.
  4. Vomiting Blood: Indicative of internal bleeding or ulcer complications.
  5. Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin or eyes, signaling liver issues.
  6. Difficulty Swallowing: Consistent trouble or pain while swallowing.
  7. Severe Dehydration: Symptoms include very dry mouth, dizziness.
  8. Fever: High temperature combined with stomach pain.
  9. Bloating: Persistent and painful bloating not related to eating.
  10. Anemia: Fatigue or weakness due to low iron, indicating internal bleeding.

Will these 8 habits help you improve your gastric health?

  1. Hydration: Drinking adequate water aids digestion.
  2. Balanced Diet: Consuming fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  3. Regular Exercise: Promotes healthy digestion and reduces constipation.
  4. Mindful Eating: Eat slowly, chew thoroughly to aid digestion.
  5. Adequate Sleep: Rest supports the body’s natural healing process.
  6. Limiting Caffeine/Alcohol: These can upset the stomach lining.
  7. Stress Management: Practices like yoga or meditation foster gut health.
  8. Not Smoking: Smoking can lead to stomach ulcers and cancers.

These 8 habits are ruining the health of your stomach

For protecting stomach health, the following should be avoided:

  1. Overeating: Can cause indigestion and acid reflux.
  2. High-Fat & Spicy Foods: They may trigger heartburn.
  3. Excess Alcohol & Caffeine: Both can irritate the stomach lining.
  4. Late-Night Snacking: May contribute to digestive issues.
  5. Smoking: Increases risk of ulcers and gastric cancer.
  6. Chronic NSAID Use: Overuse can lead to ulcers.
  7. Unmanaged Stress: It can exacerbate digestive disorders.
  8. Sedentary Lifestyle: Regular activity aids digestive health.

Listening to Your Body

The health of your stomach is very important. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat fibre-rich whole foods, drink enough water and exercise regularly.

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